Chaos Constructions 2010
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Chaos Constructions 2010 -- компьютерный фестиваль серии Chaos Constructions, проводившийся 28-29 августа 2010 года.
[убрать]ZX Graphics compo
01 212 Cursed Eighth - PIESIU/AGENDA ^ MYSTIC BYTES 02 187 goldfish - TmK/deMarche 03 179 KOTUK (КОТИК) - Wizard/Delirium Tremens 04 178 your special friend - dubmaster 05 163 Ayes - Kasik 06 162 return to the stage - Schafft 07 161 Killer_Whale - Flower 08 160 Hermione Granger - breeze / fishbone crew 09 145 lunatic - moran^CPU 10 140 Keep Flyin'! - Surfin' Bird 11 133 Lamia - CAMAHACYKE 12 101 Musa - GM BIT 13 99 Mountain - RD 14 89 HEKTO - moran^CPU 15 58 scarab - Firestarter
ZX AY-Music compo
01 100 Night instant - MmcM Sage 02 98 Eva (true trance mix) - Cj Splinter 03 98 Rose - Jerrs 04 85 strolling around the shine - nq^skrju 05 84 swoon - siril/4d 06 79 Can't Fight This Feeling - Sophie Ellis Bextor feat. Bugsy =) 07 74 Summer good bye - ejkot 08 72 CC2010 back to the future - Voxel/Triumph 09 71 To Risk The Courage - C-jeff 10 57 ALCO2 - Firestarter 11 57 Кумар - Moran^CPU
ZX Beeper Music compo
01 123 Мы ждём перемен - JeRrS 02 106 Sploogie Boogie - Frank Triggs 03 98 eempala - siril/4d 04 84 Sun day - Voxel 05 75 tserebral?noe narushenie - irrlicht project 06 47 Prince of banana - AER
ZX Spectrum 640k Demo
01 154 Reconstruction Chaos - Newart 02 105 The Demo - Skrju 03 79 America - Tosha
Real-time ZX Spectrum Graphics
01 139 CYBER - PIESIU/AGENDA ^ MYSTIC BYTES 02 138 virtulife - diver/4d 03 130 CyberBoysSaveZxSpeccy - riskej/simbols 04 102 sqare - pROF^4D 05 93 paint microsoft - KASik_KACuk/Sinclair Club 06 90 World Wide Web - Flower 07 89 zx-realtime - Surfin'Bird 08 88 Virus - Schafft 09 82 zx-cyberlife - wizard/delirium tremens 10 81 да ну его, нахрен, такое пространство - Vassa 11 72 signal - Firestarter 12 71 Cyberspagetti manufacture of evil - moroz1999 13 60 CYBERLIFE - samanasuke