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Версия от 07:48, 19 сентября 2014; Scalesmann (обсуждение | вклад)
scalesmann, scale, scl - антон александрович яковлев, ульяновск. музыкант, художник. входит в состав группы march cats.
написал более 100 композиций для ay-3-8910 и turbosound. использует редактор pro tracker 3 (zx) и vortex tracker (pc).
cоавтор газет cossackos и srs.
музыка для ау-3-8910
- forever-5 - "crashed!", 16th
- antique toy 2004 - "scary wood" (совместно с c-jeff) - 15th
- antique toy 2004 - "under water" (совместно с koc) - 17th
- chaos construction 2004 - "my 1st cc" - lost
- ascii 2004 - "every breath you'll take..." - 5th
- ascii 2004 - "stupid theme" - 10th
- kidsoft 2004 - "bass sorrow" (совместно с c-jeff) - 1st
- forever hex - "greetings, forever hex!" - 9th
- raww orgy 2005 - "spring is green" - 8th
- antique toy 3 - "broken hills" - 3th
- antique toy 3 - "fields of gold" - 4th
- antique toy 3 - "stupid theme vol.2" (совместно с riskej) - 11th
- chaos constructions 2005 - "z0rg' steps" - 9th
- zx-spectrum party 2005 - "monotune" - 6th
- raww orgy 2006 - "we are the jumpers keepers" - 9th
- dihalt 2006 - "i saw b-holder" - 7th
- dihalt 2006 - "be yourself" (совместно с kyv) - 9th
- chaos constructions 2006 - "night of dancing march cats" - 4th
- artfield 2006 - "zu! czasa!" - 8th
- raww orgy 2007 - "dr. johnsson cure'em all" - 10th
- forever 8 - "roll it over my the only one" - 5th
- antique toy 2007 - "i hung my head" - 11th
- chaos constructions 2007 - "n-mb flight" - 10th
- ascii 2007 - "yer standing still on my shoulder" - 6th
- ascii 2008 - "[if i had] nine lives" (совместно с riskej) - 11th
- dihalt 2009 - "[alexis, kate] they stole my faith" - 4th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "oldschool syndrome" - 17th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "bubbles in my mind" - 19th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "vox clamantis in deserto" - 24th
- chaos constructions 2011 - "sweet things" - 6th
- dihalt 2012 - "summer walk" - 6th
- chaos constructions 2012 - "waterfall" - 3rd
- next castle party 2012 - "some words about chilling rain" - 4th
- forever 14 - "we will never go to the place where we were young..." - 6th
- zx aaa demo compo 2013 - "into my head" - 6th
- 3bm openair 2013 - "no tears, no fears, no hopes" - 9th
- chaos constructions 2013 - "[as soon] as it began" - 2nd
- sochi party 2014 - "my tears (untold version)" - 2nd
- 3bm openair 2014 - "rythme" - 5th
- chaos constructions 2014 - "misfire" - 1st
- chaos constructions 2014 - "calling" (feat Olga Y.) - 2nd (разделила второе место с MMCM - Ashes of Dreams)
музыка для turbosound
- dihalt 2006 - "panic" - 6th
- dihalt 2006 - "one step left" - (out)
- dihalt 2007 - "my bleep is inside" - 14th
- antique toy 2007 - "cast the love on everyone" - 10th
- antique toy 2007 - "blow my spirit" - 4th
- ascii 2007 - "slide away from here" - 7th
- hackers top 2009 - "noc me tight tonight" - 2nd
- chaos constructions 2009 - "watch my emotions" - 7th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "still speeding" - 9th
- ascii 2004 - "my face" - 5th
- antique toy 2004 - "smorda2" (out)
- chaos constructions 2006 - "mf" - 14th
- raww orgy 2007 - "night city" - 9th
- ascii 2008 - "nine lives" - 13th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "pleasureville" - 17th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "seashore" - 19th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "what i've done" - 25th
- zx aaa demo compo 2010 - "making statistic" - 30th
- chaos constructions 2012 - "oh my, summer in the city" - 9th
релизы вне пати
альбомы и синглы
- songs from cruel world [2005]
- 01. angel from my nightmare
- 02. angel eyes
- 03. don't ask me
- 04. dreaming
- 05. my life
- 06. ui-i-i..
- 07. xored inside
- 08. agrhh!
- 09. floating shit
- 10. making path
- 11. separated
- 12. simly outtro
- bass reflection (single) [2007]
- 01. bass reflection
- 02. chasing the sun
- 03. dr. johnsson cure'em all
- 04. mystic pond
- listen up, i'm here [2007]
- 01. night of dancing march cats
- 02. i saw b-holder
- 03. listen up im here
- 04. bass reflection
- 05. alexandra
- 06. dreams loop back
- 07. melody in the air
- 08. dont stop my clock (feat karbofos)
- 09. roll it over my the only one
- 10. good 2 sleep
- don't stop my clock (single) [2007]
- 01. don't stop my clock (feat karbofos)
- 02. mr. young theme
- 03. every breath you'll take
- 04. why i still can fun?
- 05. circus (reversion)
- [if i had] nine lives (single) [2008]
- 01. [if i had] nine lives (feat riskej)
- 02. n-mb flight
- 03. yer standing still on my shoulders
- 04. [if i had] nine lives (demo)
- still speeding (single) [2010]
- 01. still speeding
- 02. oldschool syndrome
- 03. vox clamantis in deserto
- 04. bubbles in my mind
- porn king (single) [2011]
- 01. [porn king] theme
- 02. [porn king] strikes back
- 03. [porn king] still alive
- 04. [porn king] outtro
- summer walk (single) [2012]
- 01. summer walk
- 02. sweet things
- 03.early years of bootleg 1999. noname1
- waterfall (vega's tribute single) [2012]
- 01. waterfall
- 02. my bleep is inside (extended version)
- 03. heroes won't fade away (extended version)
- some words about chilling rain (maxi single) [2012]
- 01. some words about chilling rain
- 02. chiptuner
- 03. when the cow goes mou
- 04. calm down
- 05. interstate'160
- 06. 106
- 07. fookin' photographer outtro
- into my head (single) [2013]
- 01. into my head
- 02. we will never go to the place where we were young
- 03. home and dry (pet shop boys cover)
- unmilky sky (album) [2013]
- 01. some words about chilling rain
- 02. into my head
- 03. we won't go to the end
- 04. lonesome george's last stand
- 05. no tears, no fears, no hopes
- 06. summer walk
- 07. as the flower turned to stone
- 08. waterfall
- 09. morning glory (oasis cover)
- 10. [as soon] as it began (lp edition)
- 11. rainbow after rain
- 12. forever drunk stupid idiot
- bonus shite track:
- every day, every hour...
- remebmer our lives (сборник бисайдов) [2013]
- 01. chasing the sun (2005. bass reflection b-side)
- 02. home and dry (2013. into my head b-side)
- 03. my bleep is inside (ext. version, 2012. waterfall b-side)
- 04. n-mb flight (2008. nine lives b-side)
- 05. remember our lives (feat. em22/stormboy)
- 06. sweet things (2012. summer walk b-side)
- 07. [porn king] still alive (2011. [porn king] b-side)
- 08. vox clamantis in deserto (2010. still speeding b-side)
- 09. calm down (2012. some words about chilling rain b-side)
- 10. why i still can fun? (2007. don't stop my clock b-side)
- rythme (single) [2014]
- 01. rythme (turbosound)
- 02. yaktsuptsop (fast remix)
- 03. my tears (untold version)
- 04. be yourself (demo)
- calling misfire (single) [2014]
- 01. calling
- 02. misfire
- 03. xored inside (revisited)
- 04. making path (alt. version)
- where did it all go wrong? [2009]
- 01. [alexis, kate] they stole my fate
- 02. steps 2 heaven
- 03. noc me tight tonight
- 04. my bleep is inside
- 05. drumatic
- 06. cast the love on everyone
- 07. watch my emotions
- 08. she's the shooter
- 09. home and dry
- 10. heroes won't fade away
- 11. come out of the dark into the blue